Privacy statement

Privacy statement

Purpose of this Privacy Statement

KONE Corporation and its employees, partners, subsidiaries and affiliates (“KONE”) are committed to protecting your privacy and personal data. KONE processes your personal data in accordance with international and European Data Protection Principles and applicable personal data legislation (including the European General Data Protection Regulation, as applicable).

This privacy statement provides you comprehensive information about the personal data processing activities conducted by KONE. It may be supplemented by solution specific privacy statements and additional local documentation. Moreover, the different rights you have as a data subject may also vary from country to country depending on the applicable privacy laws. In this Privacy Statement we present the rights granted by the European Union data protection laws.

This privacy statement is divided into different sections that relate to the different logical personal data processing functions in KONE. At the end of this privacy statement, you will receive information of the rights you have as a data subject.

  1. KONE Webpages and Internet Services
  2. KONE’s Customer Relationship Management Databases
  3. KONE’s Supplier and Subcontractor Data
  4. Data Subjects’ Rights
  5. Updates to the Privacy Statement

Data Controller and Contact Information

From data subject’s perspective, the local KONE group company with whom the data subject is or has been in contact with or otherwise has the closest relationship with, is the data controller of the respective data subject’s personal data.

Many of the tools and processes used in KONE are global and made available to local KONE entities in a centralized manner by KONE Corporation. In these global tools and processes, personal data is controlled jointly by the local KONE group company and KONE Corporation.

In all data protection related matters, data subjects may contact KONE by using the following contact information:

KONE Building
Keilasatama 3, 02150 Espoo, Finland
Telephone: +358 204 751
Contact person: Global Legal, Data Protection Counsel,

All requests that relate to use of data subject’s rights can be sent to KONE by using the contact form available on the webpage at (select option “Personal Data Enquiry”).

1. KONE Webpages and Internet Services

This section provides you with general information on the processing of your personal data by KONE related to this website and the other internet services of KONE (the “Site”). KONE will process your personal data collected through the Site in accordance with this Privacy Statement and applicable laws. Please read this Privacy Statement carefully if you plan to brows or otherwise use the Site. If you do not agree with this Privacy Statement, you must leave the Site.

1.1. Collected Personal Data

Generally, you can visit the Site without entering any personal data. The Site is technically divided into separate sections some of which may require us to collect more personal data of you while some may be used without processing any personal data.

When visiting the Site, certain technical and other information is automatically sent by your computer to us (i.e. IP address, the type of your browser and the source of your visit). We also collect information about your website usage information by using cookies. Please see the Cookies section of this Privacy Statement for further information.

On certain parts of the Site, you may be asked to provide personal data and/or sign up for the service to access a service that you have requested. Once you register on the Site or have otherwise been assigned a specific identification code to access your accounts, we may request that you provide certain information.

1.2. The Purposes and Legal Grounds of the Processing

The purpose of KONE’s processing of personal data collected through the Site is to• ensure an efficient and secure use of the Site;

  • develop the Site for a better quality and broader scope of services;
  • provide customized services and content recognizing your specific needs and interests;
  • improve our services to you;
  • contact you;
  • conduct research and collect statistics (e.g. what sections of our Site the users visit and how much time they spend on the Site).

KONE strives to produce cost efficient services without you having to register separately to each of the different services provided on the Site.

The legal grounds for data processing are KONE’s legitimate interests relating to the abovementioned purposes. When required by applicable laws, KONE will request data subject’s consent for personal data processing.

1.3. Source(s) of Personal Data and Retention Period

The personal data is received directly from the data subject or obtained in connection with their use of the Site.

The personal data will be stored as long as needed for the purposes it has been collected for. After that, the personal data will be effectively deleted or made anonymous.

1.4. Cookies

From time to time KONE may place information, commonly known as “cookies”, on your computer or mobile device to allow us to identify you, provided that you have consented to the placing of cookies on your computer or device for example by opt-in function or by way of changing the browser settings. Cookies give KONE information on how and when you have used the Site and help KONE to improve the Site for a better service. Cookies are today commonly used on many web sites. If you do not wish to receive cookies, you may set your web browser or use KONE cookie setting tool to disable them. Kindly note, that disabling cookies may prevent you from using certain services on the Site.

1.5. Remarketing

The Site may use Google AdWords Remarketing to display advertisements based on your recent visit on the Site (“Remarketing”). Remarketing at the Site is used for building awareness of KONE solutions and services. The information regarding the visits is collected by placing a third-party cookie on your computer. You may opt-out from Remarketing related to use of the Site through KONE cookie setting tool. You may use more comprehensive opt-out options relating to your use of third party websites through visiting the Network Advertising Initiative website, by modifying the remarketing ad settings on the Google Ad Settings site or by disabling cookies.

Opt-out for Google AdWords Remarketing »

1.6. Website Analytics

KONE uses website analytics, such as Adobe Analytics and Google Analytics, to gather statistics about the users of the Site with the aim to improve the contents of the Site. Normally this data is anonymous, however, if you have identified yourself when downloading content from the website, logged into KONE online service or entered the website through a link in an e-mail, we may be able to identify the analytics data collected about your use of the Site. You may use the opt-out functions of KONE cookie setting tool to disable KONE from tracking your visits to the Site. You need to repeat this action when you use different computers and/or browsers to visit KONE’s websites. To opt-out from Google Analytics, you may download Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on.

Opt-out for Google analytics »

1.7. Transfers of Personal Data

KONE will not transfer any personal data outside the KONE Corporation or its partners, affiliates, subsidiaries and subcontractors. Due to the technical and practical requirements some of the personal data may be processed by subcontractors located outside the European Union or European Economic Area or at the subcontractors’ servers outside the European Union or European Economic Area. However, such subcontractors have agreed to the data processing standards of KONE.

KONE may provide aggregate statistics about its customers, sales, traffic patterns, and other related Site information to reputable third parties, but these statistics will include no personal data.

2. KONE’s Customer Relationship Management Databases

Like many other companies, KONE uses customer relationship management (“CRM”) databases to manage and track our sales and marketing activities. KONE’s CRM databases include personal data of our customers’, potential customers’ and other companies’ representatives with whom KONE has a business relationship or wants to develop one. KONE’s CRM databases may also include personal data of KONE’s customers’ customers or end-users who contact KONE relating to elevators, escalators or other equipment under KONE maintenance as well as personal data related to external stakeholders KONE is interested to contact and provide with general information of KONE and its business (e.g. media representatives, economic influencers).

This section provides more information about KONE’s personal data processing relating to CRM.

2.1. Collected Personal Data

Following information is collected and processed in connection with CRM:

  • Name
  • Title
  • e-mail
  • mobile phone number
  • fixed phone
  • fax number
  • Address
  • Language
  • Possible other information relevant for the business relationship

Such personal information is later in this Section 2 of the privacy statement referred to as “personal data” and the individuals, whose personal data is processed, are referred to as “data subjects”.

2.2. The Purposes and Legal Grounds of the Processing

The purpose why KONE processes personal data is to facilitate KONE’s business, support sales activities, manage deliveries, maintenance services and invoicing, contacting customers for contract management and marketing purposes and otherwise maintaining the customer relationship. KONE may also use personal data to handle incidents and claims as well as provide assistance as requested by customer.

KONE may contact the data subjects for conducting customer loyalty surveys. In order to improve its services KONE would like to receive the survey responses with the customer contact person’s name. The processing of your name and any other personal data in connection with customer loyalty surveys is based on your consent. All answers and data collected in connection with such surveys will be classified as confidential within KONE and adequate security measures are employed when handling and transferring the data.

Processing of the personal data is necessary for the performance of sales contracts to which the customer company is a party. Further, processing of personal data is necessary for the legitimate interests pursued by KONE relating to its regular business purposes. When required by applicable laws, KONE will request data subject’s consent for personal data processing.

2.3. Source(s) of Personal Data and Retention Period

The personal data has been received from the customers or obtained in connection with their use of KONE’s products and services. Personal data may also originate from KONE’s representatives based on their business interactions with the data subjects. In certain cases KONE may collect personal data from public registers and other reliable external sources.

The personal data will be stored as long as needed for the above said purposes. After that, the personal data will be effectively deleted or made anonymous.

2.4. Transfers of Personal Data

In general, KONE uses the personal data only for its internal business purposes and does not transfer the data to any external parties. Some of the personal data may be accessible and processed by KONE’s subsidiaries, subcontractors and other service providers, to the extent needed in connection with the above said purposes. KONE ensures that such third parties are always bound by contracts, which sufficiently address data protection and confidentiality requirements.

Due to technical and practical requirements, the personal data may also be processed outside the EU/EEA. KONE ensures that there is a legal basis for such transfers.

3. KONE’s Supplier and Subcontractor Data

KONE Corporation and its employees, partners, subsidiaries and affiliates (together “KONE”) use solutions and database technology to manage the contact data of KONE’s suppliers’ and subcontractors’ representatives. This privacy statement provides more information about KONE’s personal data processing relating to such sourcing and purchasing activities (“Supplier Databases”).

3.1. Collected Personal Data

Following information is collected and processed in connection with Supplier Databases:

  • Name
  • Title
  • e-mail
  • phone number
  • Address
  • Invoicing Information
  • Possible other information relevant for the business relationship
  • Subcontractors’ employees’ name, date of birth, contact information, employment information, qualifications and certifications, other personal information as required by KONE’s customers to ensure proper access control and safety for construction sites

Such personal information is later in this section 3 privacy statement referred to as “personal data” and the individuals, whose personal data is processed, are referred to as “data subjects”.

3.2. The Purposes and Legal Ground of the Processing

The purpose why KONE processes personal data is to facilitate KONE’s sourcing, purchasing, invoice handling and contract management activities. KONE may also use the information to resolve claims or manage incidents and perform supplier due diligence.

KONE may use the contact information for more general communications and management of the supply relationship, such as sending relevant information of KONE’s operations and upcoming events.

Further, in order for KONE to fulfill its obligations relating to quality and safety of its operations, KONE needs to be able to reliably identify any external persons working for KONE. To enable the identification of external workforce, KONE needs to store certain personal information about the external workforce in our Supplier Databases. The information of external workforce stored in KONE’s Supplier Databases will only be used for identification and management of the external workforce as needed in connection with their work performed for KONE.

KONE processes personal data because it is necessary for the performance of a sourcing contract and/or because it is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by KONE relating to its regular business activities. KONE may also be obliged by applicable local laws to collect certain information about the supplier and its employees and representatives. Such obligations may relate e.g. to safety requirements, taxation, insurances and contractor’s other statutory obligations and liability when work is contracted out. When required by applicable laws, KONE will request data subject’s consent for personal data processing.

3.3. Source(s) of Personal Data and Retention Period

The personal data has been obtained from the suppliers or obtained in connection with their business relationship with KONE. Information about external workforce is generally obtained from the subcontractor companies who are the employers of such individuals. In certain cases KONE may collect personal data from public registers and other reliable external sources.

The personal data will be stored as long as needed for the above said purposes. After that, the personal data will be effectively deleted or made anonymous.

3.4. Transfers of Personal Data

In general, KONE uses the personal data only for its internal business purposes and does not transfer the data to any external parties. Some of the personal data may be accessible and processed by KONE’s subsidiaries, subcontractors and other service providers, to the extent needed in connection with the above said purposes. KONE ensures that such third parties are always bound by contracts, which sufficiently address data protection and confidentiality requirements.

Due to technical and practical requirements, personal data may also be processed outside the EU/EEA. KONE ensures that there is a legal basis for such transfers.

4. Data Subjects’ Rights

Data subjects may at any time contact KONE and request access to their personal data. KONE will at the data subjects’ request rectify or erase any incomplete, inaccurate or outdated personal data. Data subject requests can be sent to KONE by using the contact form available on the webpage at (select option “Personal Data Enquiry”).

If the personal data processing is based on consent, data subject is entitled to withdraw the consent at any time. If the personal data processing is based on KONE’s legitimate interest, data subject may object such processing based on a specific individual circumstance. Data subject must identify such circumstance in the request relating to objection.

Under certain circumstances data subjects may also object to the processing of their personal data as well request data portability. In the event the data subjects have concerns or remarks regarding KONE’s processing activities, they also have the right to lodge a complaint with the relevant supervisory authority.

KONE may refuse a request or obtain a reasonable fee for fulfilling a request if the request is manifestly unfounded or excessive or KONE has another legitimate ground for refusing the request. Such legitimate grounds could e.g. prevent KONE from deleting personal data that needs to be retained due to local legal requirements or to maintain an audit trail until the end of local claim period. KONE may also need to retain the data to be able to fulfil contractual obligations.

Please also note, that if KONE blocks or deletes your personal data as requested, KONE may not be able to perform the services you would like to use or have previously ordered or requested or provide you the content you would like to download or receive.

5. Updates to the Privacy Statement

KONE seeks to develop the Site, its business as well as its data protection related processes and tools continuously and reserves the right to amend this Privacy Statement. KONE hopes that you review this Privacy Statement from time to time for any amendments. To the extent required by applicable privacy laws, KONE may contact you also through other interfaces or by using the collected contact information to provide information about updates that have material effects to you as a data subject.

Privacy statement


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